The Tick List

Thursday 31 May 2007

That's what you get when it rains

Been an expensive day. And an unhealthy one. Not something I’d readily repeat in a hurry.

First order of the day was my contribution to the Qld treasury coffers courtesy of the local boys in blue. It seems my driving habits from Sydney aren’t too appreciated here. Speeding in Sydney is like trying to run through mud. Trying hard but not going very far. Do the same thing without the traffic however, (like the long open roads here) and silly speeds ensue.

Lesson learnt though. Just a matter of setting cruise control and doing the steering. No stop start traffic here. There is nothing and I do mean NOTHING here that requires rushing.

Secondly, almost embarrassingly so considering my last post, I had Maccas for breakfast, KFC for lunch and was seriously considering a thin pepperoni pizza for dinner. But after a quick glance at my expanding waistline I headed for the gym and played basketball for about an hour. Then it was vintage cheddar, Vegemite and Vita-Wheats for dinner…..

Last thing was paying for a new guitar I just bought. Well almost new. Got it from a girl in Brisbane and it’s pretty much new. Had to buy a hard case locally as Aus Post won’t accept anything over 105cm in length.

Which leaves the question of what I’m going to do with my existing guitar. Really don’t want to send it back to Sydney so I’ll probably trade it in for some $$ off the case. Am considering donating it to a local primary school in Cloncurry though. I’ll call them tomorrow to see if they could do with one.

Hopefully tomorrow bodes a better day with respect to both input and output. And if it doesn’t bloody rain again, we can get some work done.


Anonymous said...

Mr Lee... will you never change! Love the blog, keep up the good work.


Kirsten said...

Hey Mr Lee!

wow i signed up as an official blogger ;p how exciting...anyways, i love this and the updates are great :)

Having mega - Nokia hate issues!!!!! arggh
why why WHY fdo they sell products that don't work!!!!!

xxx K

Mr Lee said...

Thanks for the support guys. Good to hear from all the crew back home as well. See you soon. :)