The Tick List

Sunday 1 June 2008

Africa Veteran

It's a strange thought but I worked out the other night that I had spent more nights sleeping at the Protea Centurion than I have in my own bed since I started this job. The idea of new day new place carries forward when you think about it like that.

Right now I'm sitting in my undies (again in the Protea) about 2 hours before we head off for the next adventure in Northern Mozambique. Thus far this trip has already covered a small stint in Namibia to calibrate some equipment. A summary of that trip would be a lot of alcohol, quad bikes, go carts, brushes with the local law, rental car abuse, oh and a little bit of work.

As far as places in Africa to go, Namibia is definately in the top 5. Botswana, Zamiba, Mozambique, and Egypt/Morocco being the others. (Ok that's 6 but anyway)
Other than getting accosted by the local 'parking watch' on a regular basis, Namibia is a generally friendly place where English is spoken eveywhere and there is plenty to see and do. Walking around you feel a lot safer as well. Having only 2M people in an area almost as big as SA might have something to do with it.

This shift is looking to be quite cruisy compared to where I've been of late. There is a crew right now back in the DRC and I smile to myself every morning that I don't wake up there.

My break after London was a brief stay at home. Didn't involve much other than catching up with the usual suspects, oh and getting half way up a multi-pitch climb in the dark. Ah, the epics. Keeps life in check.

Anyhow, need to get clothed and off to the flying fridge. Lookup PAC750 XL and you'll get what I mean.

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